Would you like to see someone smiling? Then we have different ways how you can make this happen:
Sponsoring membership
One way of giving a smile is to become a member. With an annual contribution of 59,00 € you’ll become part of the association. With your contribution you support our work in a sustainable way and also continuously. On the membership form you can choose how much your annual amount should be. You can tick the corresponding field on the application and enter your chosen amount (at least 59,00 €).
Here you can find the application form to become a member.
Please send the signed application back to us via email or post office. After we receive the application you will get further information from us about your membership as soon as possible.
You can either transfer the amount annually or we can debit it from your account via SEPA direct to our account. Please transfer the amount to the following bank account:
Giving Smiles e.V.
IBAN DE66 2512 0510 0001 6143 00
at the Bank für Sozialwirtschaft, Germany
Please make sure that you do not transfer the contribution to the donation account mentioned below.
The second way of giving a smile is a direct donation. You are welcome to support our projects even without being a member.Your donations should be transferred to the following bank account:
Giving Smiles e.V.
IBAN DE39 2512 0510 0001 6143 01
at the Bank für Sozialwirtschaft, Germany
In order to receive a charitable donation certificate, it is important to include your physical address in the subject of the transfer.
Donations and membership fees are tax deductible. Our members and donors, whose physical address is known, will automatically receive a charitable donation certificate within the first quarter of the new year.Our goal is, that 100% of the donations go directly into our projects. We only use a small part of the membership fees to cover the running costs of the association. Because even an association with a non-profit status recognized by the tax office has to pay money for certain services. These kind of expense are for example the bank account management fees, international money transfer fees, or general office supplies. A breakdown of the costs will be given in the annual financial report.